


Maximum Area of a Piece of Cake After Horizontal and Vertical Cuts - LeetCode

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가장 큰 너비와 높이를 구한 뒤, 직사각형의 넓이를 구해주면 되었습니다.


func maxArea(h int, w int, horizontalCuts []int, verticalCuts []int) int {
    const MODULO = 1000000007
    return (findMax(h, horizontalCuts) % MODULO) * (findMax(w, verticalCuts) % MODULO) % MODULO

func findMax(l int, cuts []int) int {
    mx := l - cuts[len(cuts) - 1]
    if mx < cuts[0] {
        mx = cuts[0]
    for i := 1; i<len(cuts); i++ {
        if cur := cuts[i] - cuts[i - 1]; cur > mx {
            mx = cur
    return mx

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